Flooring Epoxy

Sam Floor Epoxy Coat

A solvent free, Two-component, polyamine-cured epoxy coat for concrete substrates.

• Good self-smoothing properties.
• Excellent adhesion on concrete substrates.
• Excellent abrasion and impact resistance.
• Applied over Sam flooring sealers for warehouses, garages, dairies, factories, laboratories,
aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Designed for Pharmaceutical and other medical or laboratory areas, Showrooms, Chemicals
production filed and Oil & Gas plants.
• Can be mixed with slip resistance additives -Sam anti-Skid to give excellent anti-Skid Properties.
• Excellent workability.

Physical properties.
Colour Gray, (other colours available on request)
Texture Gloss

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Two
Mixing ratio By Volume, base to hardener: 2 / 1
Specific gravity Approx. 1.35 g/ml
Volume solids 98±2% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 30 g/liter
Flashpoint >25°C
Brush For corners and edges.
Roller Recommended.
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 1
Thinner not to be used to dilute the product.
Pot life 60 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 150 – 400 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 153 – 408 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 6.53 – 2.45 m2/L
• Spreading rate depends on film thickness applied, type of texture, surface porosity,
imperfections, temperature, wastage during painting etc.
• Coverage on Non slip aggregate would reduce considerably.

Sam Floor Epoxy SL Coat -EC

A solvent free, multi-component, polyamine-cured epoxy coat for concrete substrates.

• Good self-Leveling properties.
• Excellent adhesion on concrete substrates.
• Excellent abrasion and impact resistance.
• Applied over Sam flooring Sealers for warehouses, garages, dairies, factories, laboratories,
aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Designed for Pharmaceutical and other medical or laboratory areas, Showrooms, Chemicals
production filed and Oil & Gas plants.
• Can be mixed with slip resistance additives -Sam anti-Skid to give excellent anti-Skid Properties
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Excellent workability.

Physical properties.
Colour Gray, (other colors available on request)
Texture Gloss

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Three
Mixing ratio By weight, Epoxy to aggregates: 1: 1.25
Specific gravity Approx. 1.45 g/ml
Volume solids 100% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 0 g/liter
Flashpoint >25°C
Trowel Recommended
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 1
Thinner not to be used to dilute the product.
Pot life 45 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 1500 – 5000 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 1500 – 5000 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 0.66 – 0.2 m2/L
• Spreading rate depends on film thickness applied, type of texture, surface porosity,
imperfections, temperature, wastage during painting etc.
• Coverage on Non slip aggregate would reduce considerably.

Sam Floor Epoxy SL Coat

A solvent free, multi-component, polyamine-cured epoxy coat for concrete substrates.

• Good self-Leveling properties.
• Excellent adhesion on concrete substrates.
• Excellent abrasion and impact resistance.
• Applied over Sam flooring Sealers for warehouses, garages, dairies, factories,
laboratories, aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Can be mixed with slip resistance additives -Sam anti-Skid to give excellent anti-Skid Properties
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Excellent workability.

Physical properties.
Colour Gray, (other colors available on request)
Texture Gloss

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Three
Mixing ratio By weight, Epoxy to aggregates: 1: 1
Specific gravity Approx. 1.45 g/ml
Volume solids 100% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 0 g/liter
Flashpoint >25°C
Trowel Recommended
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 1
Thinner not to be used to dilute the product.
Pot life 45 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 1500 – 5000 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 1500 – 5000 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 0.66 – 0.2 m2/L
• Spreading rate depends on film thickness applied, type of texture, surface porosity,
imperfections, temperature, wastage during painting etc.
• Coverage on Non slip aggregate would reduce considerably

Sam Floor Filler

Two-component, non-shrinking, polyamine solvent free epoxy filler for concrete substrates.

• High compressive strength.
• Excellent impact resistance.
• Applied over Sam flooring sealers for warehouses, garages, dairies, factories, laboratories,
aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Designed to overcome cracks, surface imperfections and irregularities in concrete substrates.
• Excellent workability.

Physical properties.
Colour Light Grey
Texture matt

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Two
Mixing ratio By Volume, base to hardener: 2 / 1
Specific gravity Approx. 1.75 g/ml
Volume solids 100% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 0 g/liter
Flashpoint >150°C
putty knife or spatula. Recommended
Brush Not suitable.
Roller Not suitable.
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 1
Thinner not to be used to dilute the product.
Pot life 45 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 200 – 700 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 200 – 700 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 5 – 1.4 m2/L

Sam Floor Epoxy Coat

A high-build, Two-component, Polyamine-cured epoxy coat reinforced by glass flakes with Excellent
abrasion-resistant properties.

• Good self-smoothing properties.
• Excellent adhesion on concrete substrates.
• Excellent abrasion and impact resistance.
• Applied over Sam flooring sealers for warehouses, garages, dairies, factories, laboratories,
aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Designed for Pharmaceutical and other medical or laboratory areas, Showrooms, Chemicals
production filed and Oil & Gas plants.
• Can be mixed with slip resistance additives -Sam anti-Skid to give excellent anti-Skid Properties.
• Excellent workability.

Physical properties.
Colour Gray, (other colours available on request)
Texture Gloss

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Two
Mixing ratio By Volume, base to hardener: 75 / 25
Specific gravity Approx. 1.35 g/ml
Volume solids 95±2% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 50 g/liter
Flashpoint >25°C
Brush For corners and edges.
Roller Recommended.
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 1
Thinner not to be used to dilute the product.
Pot life 45 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 150 – 400 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 158 – 842 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 6.3 – 2.37 m2/L
• Spreading rate depends on film thickness applied, type of texture, surface porosity,
imperfections, temperature, wastage during painting etc.
• Coverage on Non slip aggregate would reduce considerably.

Sam Floor PU Finish Coat

A high gloss, Two-component, Aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish.

• Good self-smoothing properties with Excellent workability.
• Excellent Colour and Gloss Retention.
• Excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions.
• Excellent adhesion on Sam Floor Epoxy systems.
• Excellent abrasion and impact resistance.
• Applied over Sam Flooring Epoxies for warehouses, garages, dairies, factories, laboratories,
aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Designed for Pharmaceutical and other medical or laboratory areas, Showrooms, Chemicals
production filed and Oil & Gas plants.
• Can be mixed with slip resistance additives -Sam anti-Skid to give excellent anti-Skid Properties.

Physical properties.
Colour RAL colour standard
Texture High-Gloss

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Two
Mixing ratio By Volume, base to hardener: 80 / 20
Specific gravity Approx. 1.25 g/ml
Volume solids 55±2% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 350 g/liter
Flashpoint >25°C
Brush For corners and edges.
Roller Recommended.
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 2 Thinning should
only be added after the two components have been
thoroughly mixed.
Pot life 120 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 50 – 100 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 91 – 181 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 11 – 5.5 m2/L

Sam Floor Sealer

An excellent penetrating, Two-component, polyamine-cured epoxy coat for concrete substrates.

• Excellent penetrating properties.
• Excellent adhesion on concrete substrates.
• Designed for Concrete and old coated surfaces.
• Recommended as a sealer for Sam flooring Epoxies for warehouses, garages, dairies,
factories, laboratories, aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Excellent dust binder for concrete floors
• Excellent workability.

Physical properties.
Colour Transparent
Texture Gloss

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Two
Mixing ratio By Volume, base to hardener: 75 / 25
Specific gravity Approx. 1.05 g/ml
Volume solids 40±2% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 350 g/liter
Flashpoint >25°C
Brush For corners and edges.
Roller Recommended.
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 1
Thinning should only be added after the two components
have been thoroughly mixed.
Pot life 60 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 30 – 50 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 75 – 125 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 13.3 – 8 m2/L
• Spreading rate depends on film thickness applied, type of texture, surface porosity,
imperfections, temperature, wastage during painting etc.
• Coverage on Non slip aggregate would reduce considerably.

Sam Floor Solvent Free Sealer

An excellent penetrating, Two-component, polyamine-cured epoxy coat for concrete substrates.

• Excellent penetrating properties.
• Excellent adhesion on concrete substrates.
• Designed for Concrete and old coated surfaces.
• Recommended as a sealer for Sam Flooring Epoxies for warehouses, garages, dairies,
factories, laboratories, aircraft hangars, food, beverage and plant rooms.
• Excellent dust binder for concrete floors.
• Excellent water and Chemical Resistance.
• Excellent workability.

Physical properties.
Colour Transparent
Texture Gloss

Mixing and application Information
Number of components Two
Mixing ratio By Volume, base to hardener: 2 / 1
Specific gravity Approx. 1.1 g/ml
Volume solids 100% Tested acc. ASTM D 2369
VOC (Supplied) Approx. 0 g/liter
Flashpoint >25°C
Brush For corners and edges.
Roller Recommended.
Thinner/Cleaner Cleaning solvent: SAM Thinner No. 1
Thinning should only be added after the two components
have been thoroughly mixed.
Pot life 45 min at 25 Cº

Recommended film thickness range
Dry film thickness per coat (µm) 50 – 75 µm ASTM D1186
Wet film thickness per coat (µm) 50 – 75 µm ASTM D1212
Theoretical spreading rate (m2/L) 20 – 13.3 m2/L
• Spreading rate depends on film thickness applied, type of texture, surface porosity,
imperfections, temperature, wastage during painting etc.
• Coverage on Non slip aggregate would reduce considerably.